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#Are you ready to accept challenges from Kindergarten English teacher in Ji’nan

Education/Teaching | Full-time | All | Posted by:chinaexpat8813     Nov 29 16:22      share​    Tel:18140549486     Working City:Jinan   Hits:

Term and conditions of employment

- Native Speakers required

- Bachelor’s Degree or above required

- 2+ years teaching experience or 120 hours TESOL/TEFL/CELTA required


Job Details

- Job opportunities: 1 ESL teacher in kindergarten

- Type of Job: Full Time

- Location: Lixia district, Ji’nan city, Shandong province, China (the most friendly city in China)

- Start Date: ASAP

- Student age: 3-6 years old

- Student Number: 8-10 students/ class

- Working Time: 8:00-12:30am,15:00-17:30pm, with office hours, weekends off


Compensation and Benefits

- Salary RMB20-23K/ month after tax

- 1.5k/month housing allowance provided

- No paid one month summer and one month holiday provided

- Bonus allowance provided

- Work Visa and insurance provided

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 62395

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